Hi, I’m Andrea! I’m a mom, creative, and graphic designer and it’s all fueled by my faith in Jesus Christ.
Those of you that know me may have noticed that I’ve been trying to be more intentional about my personal brand on social media.
That’s only because I’m doing the same work in private. Being more intentional about becoming the best version of myself.
I recently attended a summit that completely changed the way I saw myself and my brand. Of course I had a long chat with God about it and He reminded me of some things:
1. The physical labor of my hands is only one manifestation of my purpose.
2. Every gift He’s put in me belongs to Him and when He calls for it, I have to surrender it. Even when I don’t feel ready.
3. It was always designed for my entire life to be His canvas.
Honestly, I’m no where near having what this is supposed to look like all figured out. I’m completely trusting him to guide me through this construction phase of my life.
Ultimately, my desire is to walk in my purpose with authenticity. Not how I or anyone else expects it to look, but exactly the way God designed and ordained it.
I want to empower others to do the same.
I hope you’ll stick around and take this walk with me. I’ll simply be sharing my personal journey and hopefully it inspires and encourages you in some way. I’ll be honest. I’ll be transparent. I’ll be me.
As we embark on a new year, I’d love to know where you are on your purpose journey. Feel free to share in the comments.